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Advance Tax in India

Where the estimated tax payable by any person in India exceeds INR 10,000/- after deducting TDS, advance tax is required to be paid on such tax payable. Under advance tax, the estimated tax liability of a person is required to be paid in four instalments during the financial year (‘FY’) under consideration.

Person for the purpose of advance tax includes all taxpayers – individuals (salaried, professional, business) and companies.
The due date for payment of advance tax for both – corporates & individuals is as under:

Advance Tax Due DatesAdvance Tax Payable
On or before 15th June15%
On or before 15th September45%
On or before 15th December75%
On or before 15th March100%

If a person is assessable under s. 44AD or s. 44ADA of the Income Tax Act 1961 (‘ITA’) i.e the presumptive taxation scheme, 100% of the estimated tax is required to be paid as advance tax on or before 15th March of the FY.

It is pertinent to note that any amount of advance tax paid which exceeds the tax liability which arises at the time of filing the tax returns at the end of the year, the excess amount is refundable.


s.234B (interest for non payment of advance tax) of the ITA becomes applicable if 90% of the advance tax due is not paid by the financial year end. Interest at 1% is chargeable. 

s.234C (interest for deferred payment of advance tax) of the ITA becomes applicable if tax is not paid as per the timelines prescribed in the table above. Interest at 1% is chargeable.

How to pay Advance Tax?

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